
The definition of Advertisement:
Advertisement is promotion of goods, services, companies, and ideas that must be paid by a sponsor.
Function of Advertisement:
•          Promotion
•          Communication
•          Information
Language of Advertisement:
•          Using the correct or suitable words
•          Using positive expression
•          Using the interesting and suggestive expression
•          Text of advertisement should be directed to the goals
In making Advertisement, keep the following points:
•          The contents of advertisement must objective and honest
•          Short and clean
•          Does not allude other group or producer
•          Use word that polite and logical
•          Attract attention
Kinds of Advertisement:
•          Family advertisement

•          Invitation advertisement

•          Sponsored advertisement

•          Requested advertisement
•          News advertisement

•          Announcement advertisement

•          Goods advertisement

•          Merit advertisement
•          Offer advertisement
•          Article advertisement

Media of Advertisement:
•          Billboard

•          Magazine

•          By television
•          Leaflet

•          Newspaper

•          Pamflet

•          By radio



Invitation is the way to invite someone or more to go to place or to do something.
Purpose is to invite someone or more to come to an event.
There are two types of Invitation :
1. Formal Invitation
2. Informal Invitation
  1. Formal & Informal Invitation
Formal invitation is usually originate from institutes, companies and a kind of it. Normally formal invitation is written invitation.
Informal Invitation is personal invitation given to a friend, family, etc. Informal invitation can be written invitation and verbal invitation.

2. Example of Formal Invitation
Jl. K.S. Tubun No. 22 telp. (0536) 3222123
To  : Jack Daniel
  Class : X-3
  Would you please attend our meeting that will be held :
  Day/Date  : on Saturday 10th September 2012
  Time  : at 09.00 am
  Place  : in the meeting room
  Agenda  : Final preparation for speech.
  Please come on time, see you there !
Hannah Anafelow                                        Elizabeth Mildford, M.Pd                                        
  Secretary                                                              Chair Person

 3. Example of Informal Invitation
From  : Vina
To  : Veli
Hi Friends, tomorrow is my Birthday. At my birthday, I am 16 years old. And I would like you to come to my Birthday  Party :
  Date  : August 17th 2012
  Time  : 04.00 pm
  Place  : at my home.
  I’ll be happy if you come to my Birthday Party.
4. Extending (Expressions of Inviting)
Example :
1.I would like you to come to my house.
2.Would you like to come to my restaurant?
3.How would you like to go camping with us next month?
4.If you are not busy, please try to come to my office.
5.Are you free this evening?
6.Let’s go to the Jazz Festival!
7.Can you come?
8.Please try to come
9.We hope you will join us
10.If you don’t have any other plans, would you come to the café?

 5. Accepting an Invitation
Example :
1.I’d love to
2.I like that
3.That sounds great
4.Thank you for the invitation
5.That would be wonderful
6.I’d be glad to
7.That sounds like fun
8.It’s very nice
9.It’s sounds interesting
10.All, Right!
11.Thank you, I will come
 6. Declining/Refusing
Example :
1.I’d love to, but I can’t
2.I’m really sorry because I can’t come
3.Sorry, I’m really busy
4.I’d love to, but I won’t be able to
5.I’d love to, but I don’t think I can
6.Sorry, I can’t go with you
7.Sorry, that would not be possible . Thanks anyway

 7. Dialogue of Invitation
Dialogue of Accepting  Invitation :
Natsu   : Would you like to go with me to  Gray’s birthday party?
Lucy  : Sure. I’d like to.
Natsu  : Great!!
Lucy  : What time is the party?
Natsu   : The party is at 07.00 pm, so I will                pick you up at 06.30 pm.
Lucy     : Okay. Do I need to bring a present with me?  
Natsu  : No, I’ll take care of it.
Lucy  : Okay, then. See you. 
Dialogue of Declining/Refusing Invitation :
Neil  : I have two tickets to the basketball game tonight. Would you like to go?
Clara  : I’d like to, but I have to study. I have an exam tomorrow.
Neil  : Oh, that’s okay.
Clara  : Maybe next time.